
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

S is for Shallow

I can feel them giving me the cold shoulder..... And I think I'm starting to get enough of it. It's just so damn piquing when you are trying your best to patch things up and here they are still lingering with the past mistake. Okay. I understand the fact that they are actually pissed off that I wasn't able to join them in their beach outing. Fine. But I hope they should at least try to understand me too. Right now I'm actually thinking that they are being immature in the sense that they, of all people, should know how life is being a student. I've got classes. I've got duties. I am still a student. They are former students. That's makes a big difference.

Forgot to text her often.... Haven't met her at the airport...... Haven't been in the beach outing..... And now I can't come with them and watch Transformers. Sheesh. Shallowness.


  1. They'll understand mama. :) They're your friends because of that. hehehe.

  2. haha! they should... or else.... wahahaha! :X


Work those fingers! :X